Study Guide Samson
and His Women
Greetings in the name of Christ our Lord! The questions in this guide are designed for your growth and development. It can be used individually or in a group discussion. It would be helpful if in a group setting that each participant would introduce themselves and state what outcomes they desire from the collaboration. If group discussion is the desired format, let me strongly recommend at least two facilitators that will rotate throughout the discussions, within your small group community of faith. This will assure a broader view of the topics covered.
Never let any one person dominate the discussion, but respect each participant and be sensitive to the Holy Spirt at work in the lives of each person. It is my hope that your journey as well as your pilgrimage of love and faith will be an adventure that is transformative, enlightening as well as unforgettable.
All in His Name,
Robert E. Kimble, D.D.